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Explanation on the blog is supported in Arabic and English

الجمعة، 30 سبتمبر 2011

jobs for real

In the name of God the Merciful 
 There is an Indian company act as an intermediary between companies that are running remote working and looking for work for after Cdoam partial or complete - and perfect God Almighty - and the income ranges between 1500-2500 U.S. dollars, but action, not lazy with the observation that the work will take at most than an hour to two hours a day with the knowledge that the registration of this company is completely free and without any expenses (as many of the companies working in this field require you to register after the payment has) and to a clearer picture than you will swear by topic into five sections: A - a simple explanation of the nature of the work. B - conditions for the admission of the employee. C - a detailed explanation of the registration process and activate the personal account in the company. D - How to get started. E - General remarks. To participate and learn the details of the site you can access directly on the following link http://www.earnparttimejobs.com/index.php?id=3688165
------------------------------ The name of God we begin: A - a simple explanation of the nature of work: Work is very simple, it is a data entry and word processing, so that data and send you the forms to your e-mail and you are therefore incorporated and enter data in forms and send them back only. B - Conditions of Admission of Employee: 1 - to have a computer. 2 - to be sufficient capacity to work on the computer. 3 - to have any type of network connection is the global Internet. 4 - to have sufficient capacity to use some applications like Word, Excel, NickServ, Power Point, Front Page, Acrobat Reader, Notepad), and enough to have a good knowledge of one of these applications, but not all. 5 - You have to know some basics of English Language - Knowledge of simple - as knowledge meanings of some words like this [Name, Address, Phone number ...) and others, - It is known that it is now possible for any person dealing with the difficulties of English by translating site search engine the famous Google and some of the programs that can translate to you the words and texts such as adequate, and some of the CDs that came with some dictionaries, such as supplier and to Onqman, Oxford and possible, we installed the Google Toolbar and then install it appears above the browser icon written on it translated as soon as pressure is Trahmh web page into Arabic or any other language and so much more you can use to overcome the difficulties of English - in the knowledge that the company does not need to see a large in this area. 6 - to have an email account in any location, preferably to be added to one of these sites: Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, MSN. C - a detailed explanation of the registration process and activate the personal account in the company: 1 - Enter on this link: http://www.earnparttimejobs.com/index.php?id=3688165
Vtnfath you page 2 - after you open the page you will find at the bottom and the last one under the rectangular button that says Password Register Now Click on this rectangle. 3 - after you press the rectangle labeled with the word Register Now will you open up another window This window is a page registration form, your data in the company - and we must mobilize all data in English, as well as honestly as this site is real, not the Forum is not serious or site for browsing only and last but not least, this is to your advantage in the first place - and will show you Dear Reader, How to mobilization of these data are as follows: Vacuum I: Name - You must write your name so as not to confuse the Quartet between you and one another, and also wrote a reminder to check the vacuum that will free up the name written in this space and as -. Vacuum II: Title - A reminder to this vacuum that the check will be sent to this address as it is written exactly, therefore, you should write your address with precision and detail starts for the region or state that owns the then capital of the region and then the city or village you live in. and then neighborhood and then the street name and house number -. Vacuum Third: Continue to the second vacuum (address). Vacuum IV: the city or village that inhabit them. Void V: the state or region that owns the city or village. Vacuum VI: Zip to your city - easy to find them - and you can find zip code with ease in the post offices in your city, or by Mhafhm asked about the number and zip code for your city. Vacuum VII: State of the city or village. Vacuum VIII: Address your email account Example: aaaa@aaaaaaa.aaa. Vacuum IX: re-type your email account - so make sure you have typed the correct format -. Void X: the password you wish to use to open you to your personal account at the site of the company after activation - God willing - and preferably consists of five to fifteen digits or characters or both is preferred. Vacuum atheist Twelve: re-type your password again - to make sure that you have typed it correctly. Now I'm done recording your data, you should review to make sure that you fill out your information correctly, after you have finished make sure to press the Submit button located on the last page written on the rectangle next to another rectangle that says Reset Now we come to activate your account on the web site: After you press the rectangular button labeled Submit opened up a new window, this new window has three spaces: Vacuum first: write your name the same way that you typed in the page registration form, your data exactly. Vacuum II: write the title of your email account in the same way that you typed in the page registration form, your data exactly. Void III: paste the activation code. How to get Activation Code: After you press the rectangular button labeled Submit activation code sent automatically to the address of your email account, all you have to do is to open your e-mail and choose a mail sent to you by the site the following name: earnparttimejobs.com - was found in the Inbox Inbox and most likely be found in a box messages presentations and propagandists of the spam or the junk mail - and open it and then find the code activation whereupon copy and then paste it begins when the third, pressing the button located under the vacuum III and will is automatically redirected to a page that your personal account at the company site and has thus completed the activation of your account and entered on your account for the first time and gained the first ten dollars for you to register on the site once. D - How to get started: 1 - will not send you the company of any data or forms until you receive the first check, and you receive the first check by the second method to work through the site, namely, to invite people to register at the site of your way, every person who enters your way to take him 10 cents in the first level and $ 10 at the second level and the minimum value for the disbursement of the first check is $ 40, which means you will enter only three people, and be the entry of such persons through the link of your own provides you with the company. 2 - There are several ways to invite your friends and other people to enter on your way to the company, and will remind me what is easier for them here: The first way: call all the list you have in your email account. The second way: put your link in your ad and free advertising in the most famous search engines on the World Wide Web Internet, such as: Google, Yahoo, MSN. The third way: making a sub-site free of your own and make it a servant to speak so Ouseltk site for part-time work or evening, and sites that allow you to place sub-sites for free the way Google and Yahoo, and others. Fourth way: you can put your link in the popular website Yahoo answers as well as on-site months Google. Fifth way: You can use one of the easiest and most powerful methods available to all in this area, namely, social networks such as: Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and others. There are lots of ways that did not touch her. The site will provide you with tools and methods and using his phrases you will find the site directly to invite people. 3 - after you receive your check I will allow you to work in data entry in addition to your business first - host of people through your link - and will be sent to the data and forms to the address of your email account, and when you receive the data and forms you enter data in forms by programs known either Aluwrd or Excel or Power Point or other and then you send back to the company. 4 - receive money through Alvesa - If you have an account number - or by Master Card - If you have an account number - or by PayPal - If you have an account number - or by sending a check in your name to your address to receive to the door of your home, you specify one of these options through your company's website. 5 - The disbursement of entitlements on the twentieth of each calendar month when it reaches U.S. $ 40 or more but if less than U.S. $ 40 are added to the month following the month which will be spent. H - General Notes: 1 - Some may say that this site and this company Akzban us or Istglanna to their advantage, the answer to the charge of lying if they were lying, they would have taken the amount of money in the beginning as opposed to record and they said if you do not like the idea three months after the We you the money and close your account, for example, the response the exploitative interest, it is uncertain why they pay you Aozvunk in the first place?, but it is known that India and China is now living a period of prosperity in the companies very, very strong, and they need to staff many of the qualifications of many people who do chores such employment in order to devote themselves to the work of the larger, and they beneficiaries often because there are many American and European companies that are running to work after you will find that the company is large and has a reputation in the market and have a lot of affiliates and other, but when you go to the headquarters of the company does not find a skyscraper and buildings too high, but find the building one role or a flat medium has the senior managers and meeting rooms only, then, where staff who steered the company??, they work in their homes, working remotely and thus all be beneficiaries. 2 - Some might say that the company is talking about huge amounts of money for this work, and say to respond to this statement, first the amounts are not huge because those countries to learn by studying and tired to find what fatigue and a lesson for him, a well-off do not compare us!! And, secondly, the wages given employee who works at home is very different from the wages given to the employee, who works at the headquarters of his company or the institution. How?, Is not the employee working at the headquarters of his company needs a computer, as well as to the office, as well as to the lights and electricity, as well as to a printer or camera, as well as furniture from sofas and chairs stable and chairs reviewers and brushes and much more, is not the headquarters needs to rent drain on the company's profits each year and much is too much, is it reasonable to give the employees $ 2000 and give him all of this, or to give him $ 5000 and make it run in his house??. 3 - Some people might say how to ensure companies work employees do not know him but his statements, we say to them that they have staff located at company headquarters in India and their function is to review everything sent from the forms completed by the staff who work remotely, so as to ensure there are no errors in the form and also to ensure customer satisfaction for their service. 4 - Some might say How do I get the check to my door, Is this reasonable??, We say in response to them Did you hear the international companies such as FedEx and others, the work of these companies is to find everything and anything to anywhere in the world they have training programs and equipment and delivery of advanced and aircraft and large trucks and Pickups Vintage and Mkrobasat and Beauty Home and even bicycles and equipment associated with satellite and much more to help them gain access to any place. 5 - Some might say that the employee is in the home or Astraanh or with his friends will not work such as working time working hours, we say to them that American Studies and the British were operating time of these companies in these countries have demonstrated by official statistics that the employees who work remotely over production of the staff traditional ordinary far too up in many cases to more than half, and soon to think of it you find that a little bit of discipline you have at home leads to serious work, uninterrupted you do not have auditors are boycotting your business and you do not have discomfort in your business and there is no fellow intrudes on you and your business, and you provide the time needed to move from your home for your business in the middle of overcrowding and the increasing pressure, nerve damage and lack of focus, tension and much more, and provide time to go to children of the school and return them, and going out to breakfast, and sick leave, where you can work at home and you are sick for example, the flu or common cold, or in the hospital - God forbid - or not, The benefits of this many do not have room to mention here whether the employee or the company. 6 - Some people might say how to make people enter through the Salta who will be convinced, and who wants to work in addition to his work, and who and who??, We say in response to those who say that you are the one who puts obstacles in front of you, many people do not know about these companies even know about them to Ankpoa them, too many people looking for work and some of them work hard work for low wages too, do not you think that they want a better job of their work or an act of supporting their work??, there are a lot of women desperate to work to occupy their spare time, and there are a lot of students from universities and colleges who want to work, let alone a job like this, there is a lot of them. Thus, I finished the explanation and what was it from the right is of God - the Almighty - and what was its fault, it is of myself and the devil, I hope that I have reported and I apologize for too long, and if you have any questions I hope to Trusselona on private, you and me very much thanks. In the end, I hope that Tqomu register below . The following link back to you


Then press the Register Now
Very Important Note: After registering, you must activate your account through the email message you receive and then log in and start working .

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